Thursday, March 17, 2022

God's Promise That No Man Will Ever Take Away Our Joy

John 16:22, “And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.”

Our text Scripture from John 16:22 is one of my favorite passages. I had a difficult time working on every secular job that I ever had. As a born-again Christian who was living for Christ, I endured horrible persecution in the workplace. I worked as a truck mechanic between 1987 to 1993. During that rough time, I had a 3-pound hammer thrown at me. Thankfully I ducked! One co-worker spit on me. Another threw my toolbox onto the shop floor, flipping it over. I was called every foul and dirty word you can think of. I was sexually harassed, physically assaulted and slandered for all the years I worked with heathen men. They knew I was going to school to be a preacher, so it was open-season on me!

To help me cop with the bad situation, working in an ungodly environment, I took a big permanent black marker and wrote Bible verses on my toolbox. One day I read the following precious verse from John 16:22 and it's truth burned in my heart, “And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.” I still always find great comfort in this PROMISE from God. The dear Savior Himself promised every believer, that one day we will all see Him again, and IN THAT DAY, we will never have to hide from wicked men, and dread going to another day in the heathen workplace, because Christ promised YOUR JOY NO MAN TAKETH FROM YOU!!! I love that so much! I am glad that God gave us these precious promises!!!

Dear reader, I used to hide in the restrooms at work from my abusive co-workers. That was when I worked for the U.S. Postal Service between 1993 to 2009. I filed an EEO complaint for a Hostile Workplace Environment, but they ignored it in Chicago. In hindsight, the blacks protect the blacks, and Chicago's post office is 80% black. All my abusive supervisors and manager were black (African American). Although I thank God for my career, without which I wouldn't have medical disability retirement today, it was a hellhole to work at the U.S. Postal Service. All manner of wickedness (bullies, haters, punks, military babies, homosexuals, transgenders, thieves, adulterers and blasphemers) thrive in the U.S. Postal Service! 

I was severely rear-ended by a church bus in 1992, and then fell down a mailslide at work in 2004, which aggravated and worsened my neck injury. I have a working brain from God, and I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, but I have made a lot of bad decisions throughout my life, simply because I didn't know how to handle different situations. The only reason I am still single 16 years later, after my first and only wife abandoned and divorced me in 2006, is simply because I am not too good with people, and I don't know how to find a wife.

Anyway, when I moved to Guam from Chicago in 2004, a group of wicked unbelievers from the Philippines ganged up on me. It caused me tension at home. So I filed another EEO (Equal Opportunity Employment) complaint for a Hostile Workplace Environment. This time I knew what I was doing and I WON! The judge ruled in my favor and made the U.S. Postal Service pay me $42,000 in damages for the cost of my divorce. The judge (who flew in from California for a 3-day hearing in 2009) blamed the U.S. Postal Service for my divorce. I am glad that the judge was honest, and saw the truth about what was going on at out facility on Guam.

One of my Catholic co-workers had found my website ministry and harassed me for it. Other co-workers joined him, harassing me relentlessly. They ripped up Chick Tracts and put them on my toolbox. They stopped up toilets and overflowed them while I was in the restroom. They stole my cars and house keys. They stole my work. They sabotaged my workplace machines for which I was responsible to maintain. They tore up my work orders. They lied about me to management. They followed me around, stalking me, trying to find any fault in me possible. I felt like Daniel in the lion's den.

One enraged Filipino co-worker threatened to come to my home and kill me, right in front of a workroom supervisor. Since she was also from the Philippines, she did nothing. But she honestly told the judge during the hearing what had happened, and to my surprise admitted that she did nothing. Her lame excuse was: “Men in the Philippines don't mean what they say.” I knew right there and then that I had won my EEO case, and sure enough, by God's grace I did. That same angry co-worker pulled a switchblade on me on the workroom floor in front of a different Chamorro supervisor. She also did nothing. However, she was honest and admitted to the judge that the incident did happen. So I appreciate the honestly of these ladies in supervision, even though they were incompetent as supervisors for dismissing the threats against me at work. I could mention hundreds more unpleasant memories of horrible things that ungodly co-workers did to make my life miserable in the workplace.

Dear reader, perhaps you can relate to some of the things I am sharing with you. I also met some good men over the decades, whom I befriended in the secular workplace. I had a friend at work years ago, a gentleman named John from Minnesota. He had originally gone to school to be an airplane mechanic, but after 911 the industry dried up and many people were laid off. So John came all the way to Chicago to test and apply for a Technician's job at the Post Office. John and me attended a non-denominational church together in Norman, Oklahoma.

It was at that church that their pastor got up at the end of his sermon, crying, and said: “Always remember folks, that 'GOD LOVES PEOPLE.'” I don't remember the title of his sermon, or what he preached about. But that pastor will never know until he gets to Heaven, how much that one statement (GOD LOVES PEOPLE) made upon me that Sunday morning. His sincere tears and quivering voice as he spoke the truth moved my soul. It was because of that godly pastor that morning, that I started my:” website ministry.

Oh, how I wish today that I could get pastors to heed and understand that the things they say, their attitude toward error, their attitude toward false prophets, their attitude toward truth-tellers, and the manner in which they treat all people, REALLY DOES MATTER!!! The inspired Word of God teaches that men love praise. Proverbs 27:21, “As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise.” A wise pastor does not insincerely flatter people, but he understands that just a few kind words spoken at the tight time can make all the difference in the world. I heard Pastor Jack Hyles says in his sermon titled: “The Blessing Of Sin,” that all it takes is just one person to make all the difference in a backslidden person's life. One person can get that backslidden person back into church! I agree with Pastor Hyles: 
I am a little tired of the Pharisees running around this country. I mean the honest truth is ladies and gentlemen, where is the mercy of God shown in God's people? Where's the compassion?” —Pastor Jack Hyles, a quote from the sermon: “The Blessings Of Sin
I love the preceding sermon so much that I made this 7 minute excerpt from it, which I titled: “We Never Give Up On A Man”(Dr. Hyles mentions in this excerpt a Rescue Mission in New York, which uses this beautiful saying as their mission slogan. I love it!). Brother Hyles also emphasizes that we ought never mark people off. DON'T MARK PEOPLE OFF!!!

Pastor Jeff Redlin of Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College gave up on me, and I never heard from him again. He treated me like garbage as a divorced man. I am not preaching this over and over because my feelings are hurt; but rather, because something needs to CHANGE at Pensacola Christian College!!! Jeff Redlin needs to go! Why in the world would they select a childless man to be their pastor, who has no biological children of his own? I am not being unkind, but Mr. Redlin lacks fatherly love for the flock which God has entrusted to him at Campus Church. I came to their church with my life in shambles, hoping to make a fresh start! But Pastor Redlin might as well have pulled down his trousers and crapped on me, because that's how he made me feel. Who wouldn't feel that way when Pastor Redlin scolded me as a 54 year old man, for confiding in him that I hoped to find a wife at Campus Church? What a horrible, immature and rotten pastor! Jeff Redlin would be wise to heed Pastor Jack Hyles 55 years of pulpit wisdom:
“Do you know what? Do you know all most backsliders need? All they need, is one person who really cares? That's all they need. One person. Somebody said: 'What happened to all these converts here? [They] walk down the aisle and get baptized, and they don't stick.' You! You happened to em. I watch you. A fella will get baptized, walk down here, and stand right there like he was in an exile on Patmos. While you yackety, yackety, yackety, yackety with all the members of this church; your little circle. And that poor fella gets no attention at all. And one friend could make the difference in that fella right there! You haven't got time for him, you're too busy yacking with your little circle of friends here at the church. You don't believe in fellowship; I believe in it! Let me tell you something—there's not a sinner that ever got saved, not a backslider ever in sin, but what couldn't be kept and cleaned and sustained, if he had somebody who really cared.” ~Pastor Jack Hyles, a beautiful quote from the sermon titled: “The Blessings Of Sin.”
Five minutes of praise will do more for a man then a lifetime of criticism. I love this true story of the great soulwinning preacher, Gipsy Smith, as a young boy when he got saved:
Gipsy Smith (1860-1947) tells a wonderful story of when he was a young lad, and had just got saved. As a gipsy boy, he was used to being despised and shunned away by society, but an elderly Christian man befriended him with a few kind words of PRAISE which transformed his life:

“The dear old man passed on, and I watched him turning the corner out of sight forever. I never saw him again. But when I reach the gloryland, I will find out that dear old man, and while angels shout and applaud, and the multitudes who have been brought to Christ through the gipsy boy sing for joy, I will thank that grand old saint for his shake of the hand and for his 'God bless you!' For he made me feel that somebody outside the tent really cared for a gipsy boy's soul. His kindness did me more good than a thousand sermons would have done just then. It was an inspiration that has never left me, and has done more for me than I can describe. Many a young convert has been lost to the Church of God, who would have been preserved and kept for it, and made useful in it, all for the want of some such kindness as that which fell to my lot that day.” —SOURCE
Jesus knew that it is people who so often take away our happiness. That is what Christ meant, for no man can truly take away our soul's joy. The word “joy” here comes from the Greek word “chara” from which we get our English word “charisma.” The Greek meaning of chara is “cheerfulness, that is, calm delight.” People may take away our cheerfulness and calm delight, but they cannot take away the inner joy of knowing that our names are written in Heaven. Luke 10:20, “Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.” Praise God! But when people do deprive us of our happiness (i.e., what HAPPENS to us), Jesus PROMISES us that the day will soon come in eternity, when NO MAN TAKETH YOUR JOY FROM YOU!!! And what a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see. ...
What a day that will be,
When my Jesus I shall see,
And I look upon His face,
The One who saved me by His grace;
When He takes me by the hand,
And leads me through the Promised Land,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

What A Day That Will Be

Dear friend, by the way, it really does matter how people treat one another. When I first attended Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College during the summer of 2021, Pastor Jeff Redlin treated me like garbage. Someone (one of my enemies) slandered me to him because of my ministry website. As a fool, Jeff Redlin believed every word, condemning me. SHAME on Campus Church's senior pastor!

I befriended Pastor Redlin, sincerely hoping to become his good friend, but he pushed me away in his immaturity, hatred and self-righteousness as a Pharisee. I trusted him with the fact that I am divorced. I explained that my former wife divorced me 15 years earlier, but he condemned me for saying that I hoped to find a wife at Campus Church. A genuine man of God would have prayed with me, reassured me of God's love, and made me feel welcomed as a stranger at Pensacola Christian College. But instead Redlin condemned, berated, abused, ostracized and hurt my feelings, humiliating me when I had shared my heart with him from preacher to preacher. That horrible little man is a monster! I never would have told Jeff Redlin anything about my personal life, had I known that he would throw me under the bus, showing zero compassion, disregarding my wounds and pain of soul. SHAME on him!

I am thankful that God has given us a precious book of several thousand promises! God PROMISES that one day He will judge Jeff Redlin for his cruel words (Matthew 12:36). God will judge him for defrauding his brother in a time of suffering, loss and need (1st Thessalonians 4:6). God will hold Pastor Redlin accountable for preaching another gospel, which requires people to repent to change their life. The following heretical screenshot is from a Wednesday evening Bible study at Campus Church on July 14, 2021 (I added the red cancellation circle, lest someone be deceived by this false teaching)...

False Doctrine Being Preached At Campus Church (Pensacola Christian College)

That is not Bible repentance! You don't repent to change your behavior. If one's behavior must change as evidence that they've really been saved, then you are looking at your works, and not Christ alone to save me. What they are actually teaching at PCC is that you must KEEP THE LAW to prove that you're really saved, which is untrue. That is why the Apostle Paul warned in Galatians 3:3, “Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? A change of behavior (aka, behavior modification) has absolutely NOTHING to do with receiving the free gift of God.

Tragically, the PCC camp have been adversely affected by Bob Jones University (BJU), who've been allowed to creep into their midst in recent decades. Galatians 4:16-17, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? They zealously affect you, but not well; yea, they would exclude you, that ye might affect them. The Bob Jones crowd zealously affect PCC, but NOT WELL. BJU today preaches hardcore Calvinism! I don't like being the bad guy all the time, for TELLING THE TRUTH. But if that be the case, so be it! Serving God is worth more than the approval of man.

If Jeff Redlin had simply been a gentleman, and had been kind to me as a divorced man, who was hurting and lonely without a wife for 15 years, then I wouldn't be writing these hundreds of website articles, Google blogs and posts on Facebook to refute and expose Campus Church and PCC. I am not doing this to seek vengeance, God forbid; but rather, the Lord knows that I am simply preaching with the prayers and hope that perhaps they will repent in the manner in which they treat people at Campus Church.

And if they ever do repent, Jeff Redlin will contact me to apologize for being a jerk. I doubt if I'll ever hear from him, from all the carnality that I saw in Redlin over the three months of 2021 that I attended their church. I am so disappointed in Pastor Redlin. I truly am! I figured that the pastor of the famous Campus Church at PCC must also have a big heart, and be a great man. But in truth, sadly, Jeff Redlin has a very small heart. The church is failing today and they don't even realize it. In Revelation 3:15-17 the Laodicean church thought they were hot stuff, doing great and growing; but God called them naked, wretched and blind to their rotten condition. 

Dear reader, Campus Church and Pensacola Christian College is rotten to the core today, which I saw firsthand by the horrible abusive way that Pastor Redlin mistreated me as a divorced person seeking help and love in a church. All I wanted was to BE LOVED!!! Thankfully, Jesus PROMISES in John 16:22, “And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.”

Friday, March 11, 2022

The Intriguing Old Testament Book Of Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 5:1-2, “Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil. Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.

I just wanted to share some thoughts on a few passages I heard today. I was listening to Alexander Scourby read the book of Ecclesiastes. ...

Few pastors seem to take THE TRUTH seriously anymore. When I see a church and pastor with multiple Bible versions being used in their group, I am amazed how they can go along with such confusion and utter nonsense. I mean, 1st Corinthians 14:33 plainly teaches that God is NOT the author of confusion. Does anybody actually think that God wants us to have more than one version of the Bible to use? No way! It is confusing to have many Bibles.

It is sickening to visit the average church today, especially Baptist churches! The world's music has come into so many churches today. More than ever, women are preaching from the pulpit, which is a sin. All women pastors are false prophets! Most of them are false PROFITesses like Joyce Meyer! She makes me sick! The churches have become apostate, pathetic, mere businesses today!

For the past 8 years I have been under Satanic attack—not from the world, the Devil or the flesh—but from bad pastors of Baptist churches! I have been under demonic attack from alumni pastors of Pensacola Christian College! I have been under demonic attack from alumni pastors of Bob Jones University! What was my great crime? I TOLD THE TRUTH! I told the truth that the Westcott and Hort Bible revisions are all corrupted by Satan. I told the truth that Lordship Salvation is a lie of the Devil, another gospel which cannot produce the new birth. The truth that Martin Luther (1483-1546) is burning in Hell today, because he trusted in and preached the heresy of Baptismal Regeneration his entire life. Truth is stranger than fiction. 

The Bible says it is better to hear the rebuke of a wise man (like me, humbly said), than to listen to the song of fools like Pastor Jeff Redlin at PCC...

Ecclesiastes 7:1-5, “A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth. It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.  Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.  It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.

Pastor Jeff Redlin can preach a sugar-coated sermon very well; but he won't preach THE TRUTH as I am doing, against the rotten, Satanic, Calvinist-preaching, infidel, Bob Jones University (BJU) camp today! Somebody's got to preach THE TRUTH with authority, or the world will go to Hell! Somebody's got to care! Somebody's got to expose the Devil's counterfeit Bible revisions., Somebody's got to expose the Devil's heresy of Lordship Salvation. Somebody's got to expose the Devil's lie of misunderstood repentance (i.e., the “turn away from your sin to be saved heresy). Bless God, I am preaching THE TRUTH!!!

I love the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, it is so full of wisdom from a secular perspective. Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived, as far as worldly wisdom goes, but the old boy sure was a dumb fella as far as obeying God throughout most of his life. Solomon's heart departed from the Lord for much of his reign. Thankfully, in this tremendous book of the Bible, in his old age, King Solomon tells us what he has learned as the man who had it all, yet hated his own life (Ecclesiastes 2:17). In the following passage, the wisest man who ever lived admits that at times he couldn't find any wisdom. In other words, there were problems that even Solomon in all his God-given wisdom couldn't solve, because some things wisdom cannot fix, like evil and madness in the world. Essentially, Solomon realized that he was not God:

Ecclesiastes 7:21-26, “Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee: For oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others. All this have I proved by wisdom: I said, I will be wise; but it was far from me. That which is far off, and exceeding deep, who can find it out? I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness: And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.”

I think it is obvious from the preceding words of Solomon, that among his 700 wives and 300 concubines (substitute wives), he had family I can't even imagine the fights that erupted like volcanoes between all his 700 wives! Can you imagine the jealousy, anger, fluctuating hormones during their time of month, and malice toward each other? Hey, Solomon himself said that he found more bitter than death, the woman! In chapter 7 of Ecclesiastes Solomon said that among 1,000 men, he only found one that feared God; but among 1,000 women, he found NONE. My humble opinion is that Solomon married the wrong types of women. They were pretty, smart, charming and worldly, but I doubt if any of them truly loved the Lord. I think it is safe to say that King Solomon was a perverse man addicted to flesh. It is also my strong opinion that Solomon suffered from STD's in his old age (Proverbs 5:11), as did his father David (Psalms 38:5). Penicillin wasn't discovered until 1939.

What godly woman would want to marry a man with hundreds of wives? We see this truth bared out in the book of the Song of Solomon. In this classic poetic Old Testament book, Solomon is trying to seduce the young Shulamite girl, but she is already betrothed (engaged) to her shepherd boy. This is a picture of the Devil trying to seduce the child of God, but we are already taken. We belong to Christ, our Great Shepherd. Solomon may have had 1,000 lovers, but it is also very likely that Solomon never had one great true love! How sad?

I have never heard this taught, but it makes sense to me that Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs to his thousands of children. Solomon had 700 wives. He had 300 concubines. How many children do you think he had? Likely THOUSANDS!!! Then again, Solomon permitted his heathen wives that he foolishly married, to worship false gods in high places, where children were sacrificed to Baal and Moloch. So we really don't know how many children Solomon had. The Bible only mentions three. I have a horrible feeling that those children were all murdered by some form of abortion. We simply do not know, so where the Bible is silent it is best to be silent. It is okay to have an opinion, just so long as we are not dogmatic about what we simply don't know.

I love this Bible verse:

Ecclesiastes 8:1, “Who is as the wise man?  and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing?  a man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed.”

I love this photo of Evangelist Billy Sunday (1862-1935), which reminds me of what we just read in the Bible...

Jesus Makes The Difference!!!

I encourage you to listen to Alexander Scourby read the King James Bible, as it will help you to grow...

Read you Bible, pray every day, pray every day;
Read you Bible, pray every day;
And you'll grow, grow, grow;
And you'll grow, grow, grow;
Read you Bible, pray every day;
And you'll grow, grow, grow:

Neglect you Bible, forget to pray, forget to pray;
Neglect you Bible, forget to pray;
And you'll shrink, shrink, shrink;
And you'll shrink, shrink, shrink;
Neglect you Bible, forget to pray;
And you'll shrink, shrink, shrink;

The saying is true that: Everything I need to know in life I learned in kindergarten.

Ecclesiastes 7:9-10, “Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these?  for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.

We live in an angry society today in America. Many people are upset, sensitive and short fused to get angry. That is why I avoid the daily news. I have no idea what is going on over in Ukraine and I don't care. I live in the United States! It's not our job as Americans to police the world. We cannot even help our homeless to get off the streets across America. Blaming drugs, mental illness and laziness are just lame excuses to do nothing! The biggest problem is a woeful lack of affordable housing in America's cities. The more funny money (fake fiat money) that the criminal Federal Reserve Banks print and lend to stupid Americans, the less our money is worth! That is why housing costs have skyrocketed!!! Our U.S. dollar has lost over 80% of its value since 1970! Americans are slaves and don't even realize it! But don't take my word for it, listen to what our wise founder father, Thomas Jefferson warned:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” —Thomas Jefferson, a quote from 1816.

Now you know why homelessness is such a big problem all across the United States today, and also in U.S. Territories like Guam. Unless you are rich, you cannot buy a home or even afford to pay rent without government housing assistance. Since 1913 the American people have been ROBBED by the private banks who took control over our money, with the rotten permission of our own elected leaders who were sworn to protect us! It is TREASON!!!

In case you don't know, our money in America is not worth what it's actually worth, it's worth what the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank families decide it should be worth. Starting to get the picture? They control the value of our currency by tampering with interest rates and the rate at which they print more money. So by regulating the flow of money in and out of society, they effectively are playing God with our lives. As with rotten gambling casinos, the house always wins! The American people are the losers. It's kind of like a children's game of Musical Chairs, someone always ends up without a chair. Say hello to America's millions of homeless citizens!!!

Again, we read in Ecclesiastes 7:10, “Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these?  for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this. Life is what happens to you while making big plans! Proverbs 27:1 warns not to boast of anything, because we don't know what each day may bring. You and I could be in a wheelchair crippled tomorrow! We could be dead, or worse. I don't fear dying, I fear being at the mercy of cruel people. So did David in the Old Testament. That is why when God gave him three options for punishment for numbering the people in his kingdom, David chose Dealer's Choice at the mercy of God. The other choices were 3 years of famine or 3 months of war. David chose 3 days of the Sword Of The Lord. It was a Pot Luck choice, because David had no idea of what God would do, he just trusted his good God more than cruel men. Consequently, 70,000 Israelites were killed, which broke David's heart. The people paid for David's sin. I believe God was trying to teach David that everything rises and falls on leadership.

Likewise, these incompetent pastors today, who sinfully take the things of God lightly, are guilty. It mad me sad that Pastor Jeff Redlin of Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC), took the sides of Bob Jones University's (BJU) wicked pastor today who preach Calvinism. Redlin horribly rebuked me for exposing false Bibles, false prophets, false churches and for REBUKING THEM SHAPLY as the Bible commands us to do (Titus 1:10-14). Sadly, PCC is mostly about making money today, and contending for the Christian faith is not even on their list of priorities. Pastor Redlin should have either commended me for my faithful work to contend for the faith, or he should have kept his ignorant mouth shut!

Unfortunately, in the summer of 2021 Pastor Redlin horribly berated and falsely accused me of “finding weaknesses in preachers. No, THE TRUTH is that I am exposing WICKEDNESS as he should also be doing, instead of bidding Godspeed to the corrupt Bob Jones camp today as Jeff Redlin sinfully does (2nd John 1:11). The word I-chabod is written over the entrance of Campus Church and Pensacola Christian College. That is, the glory of the Lord has departed!!! To God alone be the glory for this blog, I am contending for the Christian faith.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Spirit of Promise

Ephesians 1:12-13, “That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.”

Do you remember when God gave mankind the rainbow as a token of His promise never to destroy the earth again with water? God thought it was important to backup His promise with a token of His honesty.

Did you know one reason why God gives us the Holy Spirit is so that the Holy Spirit will be a “pledge” to us that we belong to Him? (Ephesians 1:13). The moment you receive Christ as your personal Savior (John 1:12), you belong to God. Jesus loves you so much that He wants you to know you belong to Him. God has placed a “down-payment” on each and every one of His children, and that “down-payment” is the Holy Spirit. Amen!

My friend, “YOU” are the purchased possession if you are a born-again child of God. The word “earnest” in Strong’s Concordance means: “money which in purchases is given as a pledge or down-payment that the full amount will subsequently be paid.” Hence, the Holy Spirit is God’s constant reminder within our soul that we have a great inheritance in Heaven awaiting us. The poorest believer in Heaven will be richer than the richest man who has ever lived upon this earth.

Notice from Ephesians 1:12-14 that we are “sealed” with the Holy Spirit of PROMISE!!! God is a promise-making God, and a promise-keeping God by the way. The Holy Spirit is God’s PROMISE to us that He will finish what He has started, that we are His property indeed, that we have an inheritance awaiting for us in Heaven, and that the Devil cannot touch us with a ten-foot pole unless God Almighty permits it. We are God’s property! Jesus has placed the down-payment of His Spirit within you (Romans 8:9). He is coming back to claim you as His rightful property when the time comes.
“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” (1st Corinthians 6:19).
We belong to God! God has given us His Holy Spirit to prove it. This is God’s token of promise to us. God calls His Spirit, the “Spirit of Promise.” What a wonderful truth!!! God is a God of His Word—He says what He means and means what He says. This is why we should make a fuss over the Bible—Because God didn’t write hundreds of Books, He wrote just ONE! I believe the King James Bible to be that Book in English.
John 1:12, "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."

God's Promise Of No More Pain

Revelation 21:4, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither s...