Wednesday, May 26, 2021

1st Peter 5:7, God Cares About You

1st Peter 5:6-7, “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

I love this precious passage of Scripture. I have to be honest, I don't always feel like God cares about me. In fact, I often feel like God doesn't care at all, because He doesn't seem to answer my prayers, and I cannot find a wife, and the local Baptist church hates and rejects me over my stand against fake Bibles, Lordship Salvation and misunderstood repentance. I get frustrated. But I learned long ago from 2nd Corinthians 5:7, “(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)That means I am not supposed to judge God based upon WHAT I SEE OR DON'T SEE, but upon His promises in the Holy Bible. Our text verse from 1st Peter 5:7 teaches that GOD CARES about me. So that is what I always go by, and not how I feel.

Like God, I am a caring person. When you walk with God, you start to care about things. Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.” The reason why the Bob Jones University crowd (and millions of other Neo-evangelicals) don't care anymore about truth or people, is because they have adopted the Devil's Bible revisions. When a religious person is okay with multiple conflicting Bibles, it evidences loudly that they don't care. The truth doesn't really matter to them. The accuracy of the Bible is not important to them. ...

Words Are Important To God Too!

Proverbs 30:5-6, “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. The very fact that a Bible college, church or pastor would sanction multiple different English Bibles, which say different things inside, is cause for great alarm!!! Yet, today's apostate churches keep hiring these incompetent graduates from these stupid Bible colleges full of ignoramuses like Bob Jones University and Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary. Other colleges like The Crown College, Hyles-Anderson College and Pensacola Christian College choose to remain neutral in the work of God, A.W.O.L. from the battle of the ages over the infallibility and inspiration of God's Word. Silence is cowardly!

I care dear reader, which is a curse as much as a blessing in my life. I haven't had a church family since 2014, because the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam drove me out, and to this day still ostracize me as their enemy, because I TOLD THE TRUTH like the Apostle Paul (Galatians 4:16). God will vindicate me, which is my prayer day and night against Harvest for their cruelty, wickedness, arrogance and rejection of THE TRUTH!!! Galatians 6:7, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.Harvest's day of reckoning is soon coming, and I can't wait (Matthew 12:36; 7:21-23; Luke 13:23-24; Titus 1:10-13).

I care and that makes me sad oftentimes, because few people care as I do. I go to the store and see shopping carts left by customers in the parking lot. I always grab, not one, but two carts to return to the store, since I am going that way anyway and have two hands. When I see a restroom that is filthy, I clean it up. I often see paper towels overflowing in the garbage, so I take my arm and push them down into the trash, and then wash my hands. I care. I don't know anybody else who does these things. Harvest certainly doesn't care. Their church members are probably the ones leaving their carts in the parking lot, and messing up the bathrooms. A person's attitude toward little things overflows into every area of their life.

Should it be surprising that I also care about the purity of the Holy Bible? Should it be surprising that I also care about the accuracy of the free grace Gospel? Should it be surprising that I also care about the true meaning of Bible repentance for salvation? I think not. When I see a careless person who doesn't care about little things, I know they aren't a good spouse, nor a good Christian, and they are lacking in good character. Caring is the hallmark quality of a Christian who is right with God. It is because I CARE that Harvest Baptist Church on Guam rejects, ostracizes and ignores me, because THEY DON'T CARE. They are wrong on the Bible, wrong on the Gospel, and wrong on repentance. They bid Godspeed to devils in the pulpit like Dr. Steve Pettit and Pastor John MacArthur, sanctioning and supporting their wicked ministries that damn people to Hell. The blood is on their hands, not mine.

Yes friend, it is important that YOU CARE like God cares. When you care you do something to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, you don't merely go along to get along. I am a stickler for safety. When I see something unsafe, I make a fuss. Few people care or do anything. At the medical clinic on Guam where I go, I have mentioned to three different nurses over the past 5 years that the weight scale in the end hallway is 2 pounds too high, and needs to be calibrated. None of them care! It doesn't frustrate me as much that the scale is wrong, as their indifferent attitudes. That is 99% of people sad to say. Not me buddy, I CARE!!! Damn it I CARE!

God cares. If you don't believe that, it is only because you are walking by sight instead of by faith. WALK BY FAITH!!! What did Jesus say? Mark 11:22b, “Have faith in God.” If Isaac had gone by the voice of Jacob his son, instead of by what he felt (he felt Esau's hairy arm, a fake animal skin used to trick him), Isaac wouldn't have been deceived by Jacob and Rebekah. What a wicked thing those two family members did, to deceive the father like that!

Do you care friend? I CARE! I care too much sometimes and it gets me into trouble. Caring gets me kicked out of Baptist churches. Caring causes people to get upset with me when I tell the truth, make a fuss, or do the right thing. So be it. Somebody's got to care!!!

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