Sunday, June 13, 2021

Romans 8:28, God's Promise That All Things Will Work Together For Good

Romans 8:26-29, “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Romans 8:28 was Pastor Lee Roberson's (1907-2007) life's Bible verse, that he always wrote down when he signed King James Bibles. If you're anything like me dear Christian friend, your life hasn't gone the way that you hoped. In fact, my life has been a train wreck. My father (who was a neo-evangelical Skid Row minister) disowned me in 2002 over the King James Bible. In 2004 I started having horrible chronic pain and tension in my neck. I was diagnosed with cervical stenosis, displaced disks and radiculopathy. My wife divorced me in 2006. I lost my home soon thereafter to pay for legal expenses. My family was a wreck. In 2009 and 2010 I underwent two major neck surgeries thousands of miles away, with no one by my side. I wanted to die. The second surgery made me 100%, leaving me with constant burning in my nerves and both arms feeling inflated with air all the time. I went into a major depression. 

In 2013 I tried to move from Guam to Hawaii, then Tennessee, but I was eventually overwhelmed with loneliness and no friends or family by my side. I spent $50,000 going in a big 4 month circle, coming back to Guam tired, frustrated and defeated. In late 2013 I crawled into the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I needed their help and love desperately, which they gave me for several months. I fell in love and found a woman that I wanted to marry. But then I made a fatal error by befriending the incompetent church pastors with THE TRUTH. The church was using dozens of Devil's Bibles. They were preaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. They were preaching Misunderstood Repentance, telling people that God would not save them unless they turned away from a sinful LIFESTYLE. I spend several hundred dollars in hard copies of books. I gave them personally to the pastors. 

Consequently, I was driven out of church. The pastors threw me under the bus like a bag of garbage. The woman I loved and loved me was gone. I lost everything, again. In desperation I begged to return to church in 2017, still in love with the church nurse. The pastors were cruel and to me to “Go elsewhere.” Since that time I have had nowhere to go, and haven't been to church in seven long years because of them. God will make them pay! The woman I loved moved away and married another man, which broke my heart. That evil no good devil Marty Herron went his merry way, like the serpent in Genesis, after destroying people's lives. I almost commit suicide because of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. The new pastor, Gary Walton, has been no better since 2018, keeping me under the bus. What a wicked person!

I suffer in constant loneliness and pain. I struggle day by day to find happiness. My nerves burn continually. Nobody cares about me at Harvest, who exemplify a money-oriented cult. All I can do in my loneliness, suffering and pain is claim Romans 8:28, that somehow, someway, someday that God will make it all work together for good. I would rather die than not have a wife for the rest of my days. I need companionship. I am working diligently now to move again. I have chosen east Tennessee. God willing, I will move in July, as soon as possible. I can only pray and ask God to help me find a new church family, and hopefully meet someone that shares my heart of passion and concern for truth and people. The ungodly people at Harvest Baptist Church have shown me by example everything that a professed Christian shouldn't be!

Furthermore, they are NOT born-again believers, because they are wrong on the Gospel. They are wrong on repentance. They are wrong on the Bible. They are in big trouble with God. If I weren't a child of God, I would have killed myself a long time ago, to make the pain stop. But I know that God is still on His throne, and He loves me. I don't feel loved by God right now. I don't see God's hand at work in my life. I keep falling in love with the wrong women, who don't reciprocate my feelings. Rejection hurts. But they rejected me, and I can live with that. The nurse at Harvest emailed me and told me never to contact her again. Once she said that, my hands were tied, and it was a matter of my honor as a man. So I abided by her directive, as hard as it was was me, because I am a gentleman. She has made her foolish choice.

God is always good. I will NEVER put the Lord on trial for the things that I don't understand. Pastor Jack Hyles wisely taught me that: “To lose something in the will of God is to find something better.” I lost my church family at Harvest Baptist Church, and Kristen and Abby whom I wanted to marry rejected me, and I haven't had a church family since 2015, all because I TOLD THE TRUTH to Harvest's ungodly pastors. HELL WILL BE HOT FOR THEM! Matthew 7:21-23 plainly describes their fate, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.I earnestly long to hear the Lord deny knowing them all, so that THE TRUTH will be vindicated.

You have God's promise dear child of God, that when all is said and done, all things will WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD. The Bible doesn't say that all things will be good. Clearly, my life has been a miserable existence so far. Truthfully, I hate my life. I have been completely alone for the past 15 years, and am daily consumed with finding a wife. It hurts me that the selfish pastors of Harvest couldn't care less about me as a human being. I pray night and day for God to avenge me of their cruelty and heathendom. That is no way for a church to behave.

I don't know how, but God promised in Romans 8:28 that everything is going to work out. Right now I am utterly disgusted with everything. I have turned off my emails for the next several months. I just need to be left alone. I am tired in my soul and pissed off about my situation. Enough is enough! It has been too long that I have been alone and I am done surviving like this. I cannot continue surviving as a recluse. I have been contacting dozens of realtors, most of whom didn't even bother to reply. The few that did were worthless. Then I contacted dozens of rental websites, trying to find a place to rent in Tennessee. It has been a nightmare! Most don't respond. Some wait weeks to reply. Only one panned out, and I applied, but they are dragging their feet in the approval process, and I want to move now.

I am working on my medical, staying up all night later today if I have to, to find a doctor. I have already found the cheapest hotel available, for $1,200 a month. I need to get the hell off Guam. I cannot take anymore hatred, rejection and pain from Harvest Baptist Church. What a damned religious cult! Harvest's pastors are not men, they are childish cowards! May God do the same evil unto them as they have done unto me (Romans 12:19-21). Right now I don't feel like anything will ever work out, but the Bible says we WALK BY FAITH, AND NOT BY SIGHT. So I am trusting the great heart of God, knowing that I am in the right, because I told THE TRUTH (Romans 3:4). Since I have suffered great loss, pain and loneliness for my faithful stand for God's Word, the Lord is bound by His honor and promises to recompense me. 

I have faith in God (Mark 11:22). God PROMISES in Romans 8:28 that all things will WORK TOGEHTER for good. I don't know what, when, where or how, but they will work out for good. I pray for God to avenge me. I pray for God to bless me. God has already cursed those who disregarded the truth at Harvest and Bob Jones University (Galatians 1:6-9). God will not be mocked, the Bob Jones crowd WILL reap what they have sown (Galatians 6:7). 

Until then all I can do is hang in there, in my bad situation, and hope prayerfully that God will help me rebuild my broken life one step at a time. Right now I am planning on moving to Knoxville, and to attend the Temple Baptist Church in Powell. I hope to find a wife there, God willing. They have a singles ministry, which I definitely want to look into and join if I am welcomed at age 54. I very much need a church family. Pray for me dear friends. Most of the churches today are pathetic, which is the only reason I have suffered for the past seven lonely years, because of the hatred of Marty Herron, Gary Walton and Harvest's complicit members, who have banned and ostracized me from attending church services. They are of the Devil.

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