Friday, March 12, 2021

7,487 Bible Promises And God Cannot Lie

Titus 1:1-4, “Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour; To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.”

This is the first article I am writing for my new blog. I was trying to think of a clever and practical title for my blog which hasn't already been taken. Most of the names I wanted were already chosen. And I didn't want some weird name with numbers in it. I like a title that is simple and easy to remember, so I can share my blood with others. So I remembered Titus 1:, which comforts us by reiterating the universal truth that GOD CANNOT LIE! Wow! That was it. There's the new title for my blog!!! I couldn't have come up with a better name, which the Holy Spirit gave to me from the Scriptures. My blog is titled: “THE PROMISES OF GOD, but the address of the blog is “,” and I love it!

Lord willing, my intent for this particular blog is to search the Bible from Genesis to Revelation to find and explain the many of the promises from God to man in the Bible. I want to learn how God's promises relate to us humans today, if at all. The following quote is taken from the Introduction to Dr. Herbert Lockyer's (1886-1984) timeless Christian classic (published in 1962), All The Promises Of The Bible:

“It has been computed that there are 30,000 Bible promises. No indication is given as to how this colossal number is reached. Altogether, there are 31,173 verses making up the Bible; 23,214 verses compromising the Old Testament, and 7,959 — the New Testament. Doubtless this total of verses gave rise to the 30,000 — every verse being a promise.

The magazine Time, of December 4, 1956, carried an item to the effect that schoolteacher Everet R. Storms, of Kitchener, Canada, reckoned the 30,000 figure to be off the mark. During his 27th reading of the Bible, this devout student tried to tally up the promises, a task which took him a year and a half. Storms came up with 7,487 promises by God to man, 2 by God the Father to God the Son, 991 by one man to another (such as the servants who promised to interpret king Nebuchadnezzar's dream), 290 by man to God, 21 promises were made by angels, one by man to an angel, and two were made by an evil spirit to the Lord. Satan made nine, as when he promised the world to Christ if He would fall down and worship him. Storms then gives us the grant total of 8,810 promises.

Scattered throughout the Bible are hundreds of definite explicit promises forming the category Peter names as "the exceeding great and precious promises" (II Peter 1:4).”

SOURCE: Dr. Herbert Lockyer, All The Promises Of The Bible, pg. 10; 1962
There are in fact 31,102 verses in the King James Bible! I don't know what Bible Dr. Lockyer used (I hope a King James Bible), but nevertheless, many websites are repeating faulty statistics. It could likely be that he relied on faulty data. Nevertheless, the subject at hand is the PROMISES OF GOD... Wow! 7,487 promises made by God to man. Isn't God a good God!!! We are so undeserving. God didn't have to make us even one promise, but He did.

No one wants to see us happy and blessed any more than God does (Romans 8:32). It's hard to grasp the reality of God's goodness sometimes in this dark and miserable world of sin. People have waxed worse and worse just as the Bible said. But if we set our affection on things above instead of the things of the earth as Colossians 3:2 commands, then we can have cheer (John 16:33), and joy, and comfort in the PROMISES OF GOD. My friend, we must anchor ourselves to the PROMISES of God to endure these dark times. That's the only way to make it! Jesus prophesied that in the end times people will betray and hate each another, turning friends and family over to the Police State to be afflicted (Matthew 24:9-10). We are certainly living in these perilous days , and it's undoubtedly only going to get much, much worse.

So with that in mind dear reader, knowing that the Bible purportedly contains 7,487 PROMISES from God to man, I want to see for myself. I want to begin by finding the obvious and well known promises that I already knows, so I can burn your heart by sharing them with you. Once I have covered that important ground, then I'd like to delve deeper into the Scriptures and find the many promises that are not so obvious, to find their spiritual significance and how those promises relate to and impact our lives today as believers. 

I am excited about this ongoing project, which will takes years. This is my fourth blog. I'd love to have about 7 blogs total, as the Lord leads. Another blog I am thinking about making is along the lines of Disturbing Truths. I have a lot of weird, strange and shocking truths; things that will require you to probably need to go take a long walk for some fresh air. We need these truths though, to cause us to think and reflect, to make us better people.

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