Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Harvest Baptist Church Of Guam Mocks The Truth

Romans 12:17-21, “Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

When I worked for the U.S. Postal Service in Chicago as a Technician (1993-2004), I had enemies at work. 2nd Timothy 3:12, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” One man in particular (Dave) hated me. He was a Roman Catholic, and also a Technician. Most of my harassments came from peers within my own craft. His sister was the principle of a Catholic school. This man instigated the other maintenance employees to avoid me. Group mentality is very common. We call it the herd mentality. People go by what they hear and always follow the group, unless they mature as I have to think for themselves and stand alone, which is rare these days. 

Anyway, one night I was sitting in the breakroom at the end of the shift. I was sitting at a 8 foot folding table reading my pocket New Testament. Because of this one hateful man's slandering of me behind my back, as the other men entered into the room they chose to sit at the other table. There were two 8 foot folding tables in the break room. After a few minutes the other table had 8 men sitting around it. I was sitting alone, reading my Bible. I knew that they were all afraid to sit with me, lest the bully who was harassing me do the same to them perhaps. 

You could feel the tension in the room. Then my enemy Dave said, to mock me, “Hey Smithy, isn't it great to have friends?” I quietly stood up, left the room, and cried in the hallway as I walked away.

Fast forward to 2014-2015 at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. Pastor Marty Herron and the other pastors had mistreated me. I told THE TRUTH, but they rejected the truth. I showed them that the Westcott and Hort Bible revisions were corrupt. I showed them that Lordship Salvation is a false gospel. I showed them that Bible repentance for salvation does not mean turning away from a lifestyle of sinning. They rejected all of those truths! They are following the traditions of men instead of the Bible at Harvest, and they don't want to hear what I have to say. One of their pastors called Pastor Jack Hyles a cult. The senior pastor accused Brother Hyles of being aggressive in his preaching at Pastor's School.

One of their shameful pastors, Jared Baldwin, invited me to MacDonald's to talk. I gladly met with him, because my heart was still at Harvest, I loved their nurse Kris, and I missed my family. I couldn't believe what Jared said to degrade me. Just like my enemy Dave years earlier who said, “Hey Smithy, isn't it great to have friends?,” not Pastor Baldwin mocked me by sarcastically asking, “How's your beliefs working out for your social life?” What a monster! What a wicked thing to say. Since when are we supposed to decide our beliefs on the basis of having a social life? Dear reader, do you now see why I am so hard in my preaching against the fools at Harvest Baptist Church? Their pastors are all the same—COWARDS!!!

What a wicked attitude for a pastor to have, blaming a man's lack of social life because he is TELLING THE TRUTH! I'd rather have no friends then sell out to a bunch of Devil's lies like the pastors and congregation at Harvest Baptist Church of Guam. Shame on them all! Truth matters! Right doctrine matters! I have been standing alone all these many years since 2014, as Harvest's staff members and my neighbours mock me. Pastor Jack Hyles understood that sometimes we have to stand alone, and it cost us. I love Brother Hyles' classic sermon titled: 'When You Have Top Stand Alone.'

I went for a Dominoes pizza last night (it was great). As I always do, and always will, as I drove to go get my pizza I happily waved at my Harvest neighbours (church staff members) across the street, letting them know that I still love them. They were having some kind of get together last night. I do feel left out when they get together, being despised and not allowed to play in their reindeer games because of my bright glowing King James Bible only nose. I've always been a misfit my whole life. That is why I cannot find a wife, I am a loner. It's very difficult for me to meet women. Anyway, when I waved at them last night, they all gave me cold hard stares. If looks could kill, I'd be dead! They hate me. We are at war!

Abby hates me. I have poured out my heart to a young woman who is under the control of a cult at Harvest. God willing I plan to move by the end of this year. I don't think I could bear another Christmas without a church family. Harvest are so rotten, selfish and immature. All of them! If her pastor told her to climb and jump off a coconut tree, she'd go do it! Abby means everything to me, but she is so immature that she can't even bring herself to acknowledge me with a wave once a year. Something is wrong with that, for a Christian lady. Harvest controls people, like a cult does. In fact, that is the entire reason why I am writing all these articles about their church, because they tried to control me too, and I am NOT FOR SALE!!!

Our text passage from Romans 12:17-21 is one of my favorite promises from God to man in the Bible. I think about this verse often, to keep my head on straight. VENGEANCE IS THE LORD'S! It is NEVER right to seek revenge. I have not rendered evil for evil against Harvest since 2014; but rather, I have faithfully preached against them. Titus 1:10-13 exhorts Christian men to “rebuke them sharply who preach lies that subvert entire families.

Interestingly, no one from Harvest or Bob Jones University has ever tried to rebuke or correct me. No one at Harvest, during the one year I attended in 2013-2014, ever witnessed to me. NO ONE! They didn't care if I was saved or not. I remember as a young boy tagging along with my Dad to the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago. My father was a faithful Skid Row preacher for over 30 years. That is one of the driving influences behind my website ministry, growing up on Skid Row and seeing the horrific things that I saw day by day. Anyway, one day a gentleman named Jay Pierce witnessed to me at Pacific Garden Mission. Anybody familiar with PGM during the old days knows that Jay Pierce was a fervent soulwinner! He's up in Heaven now. I commend Jay for his godly wisdom and concern for me as a young man. I love that man for caring!

Likewise, I am making a fuss about THE TRUTH. I love Harvest Baptist Church of Guam so much. God has blessed them through my preaching. Not everyone gets a second chance! Just think about all the thousands of people, who would have gone to Hell following the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation, who will now go to Heaven because God used a humble broken sinner like me to PREACH THE TRUTH. I love you dear reader!!!

The Lord Himself Started The Hostile War Over The Bible

I ask again, why don't they care about me at Harvest? Why doesn't the Bob Jones crowd care enough about me to try to straighten me out doctrinally? Why don't they care if I go to Hell? That speaks volumes. Hey, have you ever seen anyone who uses the Devil's modern Bible revisions try to convince others why they should use them? I haven't. Only the King James Bible crowd care enough to warn others about the Devil's corruptible seed. In Genesis 3:15 the Bible says that God Himself started the raging battle between incorruptible seed and corruptible seed. Genesis 3:15, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

The Lord is addressing the sneaky serpent here. God said he would put enmity (Hebrews: eybah, hostility and hatred) between Satan's seed and the woman's seed. The Lord's seed is the eternally inspired Word of God (John 1:1-3, 14; Revelation 19:13). Luke 8:11, “Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.” Satan's corruptible seed is a changed Bible. We see in Genesis 3:1 the first place in the Bible where the Devil corrupted God's Word, “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.  And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? God never said that to Adam and Eve. In Genesis 2:16-17 God said they could freely eat of ALL the trees, except one, And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Do you see how Satan corrupted God's Words?

Throughout human civilization the GREAT BATTLE of mankind has been between God's Word and those people inspired by Satan who pervert God's Word. Romans 1:25, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.” 2nd Corinthians 2:17, “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.Why do you think we have 900 English Bible translations today?

So remember friend, God Himself began the hostile enmity between the King James Bible only crowd, and the Bible of the month corrupting gang. Have you ever been in a restaurant and the person preparing your food accidently dropped some of it onto the floor? I have, multiple times. What do they always do? They either set the contaminated food aside or toss it into the garbage pail. That is required by law. I used to have a Food Manager's License. If someone intentionally (or unintentionally) serves a customer contaminated food, they can lose their license to serve food, be sued and even end up in prison if someone gets sick or dies.

A restaurant owner in Britain was sentenced to 6 years in prison when a customer, Paul Wilson, died from eating nuts in his dish and had an allergic reaction. This was the second customer who contracted fool born illness at one of the owner's multiple restaurants, because he didn't take the matter seriously. I find it greatly disturbing that the government and restaurant owners take the matter of food safety far more seriously than churches and pastors do. The food you eat can literally kill you! Likewise, the Bible you use can kill you spiritually. If you read and study from a contaminated Bible, you will contract spiritual food poisoning.

Rejection Always Hurts

There have been two great loves in my heart, regarding women, over the past 7 years. Sadly, I've never been able to as much as hold hands with either. I fell in love with the former nurse at Harvest Baptist Academy on Guam, Kris. She didn't want me, under pressure from her ungodly bosses (the pastors of Harvest) to shun me away. I wish she had felt different. My love for her has never changed, and she will always have a special place in my heart.

And there there is Abby, my wannabe wife. She despises me, refusing to even wave at me since 2019. Likewise, she will always have a special place in my heart, and my feelings have never changed toward her. I would gladly lay down my life and die for either of them, because I love them so dearly. You can decide who you love, but not whom you are in love with. The heart knows what the heart wants. All I have ever wanted is to marry a sweet gal and make every day of her life as happy as I can. The last thing I want is to marry someone and have her feel trapped. I have been taking care of myself for the past 15 years, so I am not looking for a maid. I want a best friend, lover and companion to have fun, serve God and make a life for each other. But I won't just marry anybody, she must ring my bell (i.e., chemistry). My bell must be broken though, because none of the women I want feel the same. Rejection hurts!

Lord willing, I will be moving to Fort Wayne, Indiana this summer. By the month of May the weather will be warm enough to move. I am still researching where I'd like to move. I so much want a wife. If I stay on Guam I will never find anyone. Harvest doesn't care. Abby hasn't shown the least interest. Kris is long gone back to the states. I am so lonely. The Lord is my tower and strength. Ephesians 2:14, “For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;” 

Abby is my sunshine when I see her, but I get so frustrated that she never waves at me. I guess she figures if she gives an inch I'll take a foot, and assume that she likes me too if she waves back. No, I would just think she is being friendly. To be cautious, I would only think she likes me if she stated so. I am a big stickler on respecting the opposite gender. When I attended Harvest I bought a 'How To Play Slack-key Guitar' book for a teenage girl in the church, because she played the guitar, but I gave it to her father to give to her, to avoid any wrong appearances (1st Thessalonians 5:22). 

Anyway, even though Abby is a grown adult, I would never approach or contact her because she told me not to in 2017. I do love her, and wish we could become good friends, but she isn't interested. Furthermore, her ungodly pastors are blocking that from happening, banning me from attending church services at Harvest. God's judgment is upon them for their arrogance at Harvest, for pulling on the same rope as the Devil. Kindly said, they are corrupt theologically. As a true friend does, I am tying to sincerely help them, but they are too proud and haughty to heed THE TRUTH. This is not a matter of opposing opinions, as the Lord said in Genesis 3:15, this is about enmity (hostility) between Satan's corruptible seed and God's incorruptible seed. Proverb 27:6, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”

Dear reader, I live with a heavy, broken and sad heart because of the constant rejection by the Harvest Baptist Church of Guam. I am sad that I cannot find a wife. I am sad that Kris and Abby both ditched me, because their pastors threw me under the bus. They reject me at Harvest because they are Calvinists and I am not. I believe THE BIBLE, they don't. Like Jesus warned in Mark 7:9, “And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” You cannot show me one verse in the King James Bible that teaches to “repent of your sin” or “turn from your sin” or “surrender your life to Christ” or “receive Jesus as your 'Lord'” to be saved. No, you cannot. Wicked men who are following the carnal nature have added these manmade requirements to God's free grace.

Anybody who denies being a Calvinist, while bidding Godspeed to Dr. Steve Pettit and Pastor John MacArthur, is woefully ignorant of their own beliefs. I oftentimes discover that members of Seventh-Day Adventism, Roman Catholicism and other false religions are clueless about what their own religion teaches. Go figure! That just goes to show that many people join a religious group for all the wrong reasons. Some join just to have a social club, or to please their spouse or family, or because they like the focus on good health at SDA. Many people join Harvest Baptist Church of Guam for their first-class music program. Many join because their children are enrolled into Harvest Baptist Academy. 

BJU graduates are only there to make money, and will quit and abandon ship as soon as their employment contract expires. Everybody is exploiting the church for personal gain, taking what they want or need, and then when they have filled their pockets with spiritual loot, they'll flee like the serpent in Genesis. If they were a legitimate New Testament church, then they wouldn't block and ban hurting people like me from even attending church services. That is evil! Dr. Jack Hyles even allowed his enemies from the rotten Hammond Times to attend church, knowing that they were only there to look for things to criticize him for in their manure-spreading newspaper. But Brother Hyles loved them, and wanted EVERYBODY to hear the Holy Bible preached. People just want to be loved! 

Acts 5:42, “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” If Harvest's pastors were secure in their own preaching, confident that they are preaching THE TRUTH, then they would care enough about me as a human being, to want me to hear the preaching. But clearly they are insecure in what they are preaching, intimidated by my presence, unsure about the things they are teaching.

I would never join their church, because of their Calvinist beliefs, but if I want to attend services, and they refuse, what does that say about their pastors and church? It says they are big shots. It says they have some wealthy snobs controlling the church. It says their pastors are henpecked employees and not true Christian leaders. It clearly says Harvest is a religious group and not a New Testament church. I do not find anywhere in the Bible where pastors or a congregation have a right to throw people out of church who beg to attend, who are not living in open sin (1st Corinthians 5:1-5). I told THE TRUTH. 

That either means that I told lies and Harvest's pastors are righteous in the matter; or else I told THE TRUTH and Harvest's pastors are guilty cult leaders under the judgment of an angry God (Romans 3:4). It all boils down to this—is Calvinism (aka, Lordship Salvation) the Gospel? Are the Devil's modern Bible versions acceptable to God? Does Bible repentance for salvation means to turn away from living a sinful lifestyle? I am alone without a wife, without friends, without a church family, with a pastor, all because I called harvest out on multiple heresies they are teaching. 

Harvest's pastors also got upset with me for proving that Martin Luther was not born-again. Their pastors mocked me and drove out my family. Pastor Herron insisted, “Martin Luther was born again!” Oh really? Did you know that hellbound Roman Catholics actually cite Martin Luther's theology as proof that a person must be water baptized to go to Heaven? It is sadly true! How can this infidel be born again? Baptismal Regeneration is of the Devil. Today's pastors are so woefully ignorant. I say that with respect and love, truly. Harvest's pastors owe me a big apology. But I actually apologized to them in 2017, because I so desperately missed and needed my church family. I cast my pearl before the swine! They threw me under the bus. 

Pastor Jared Baldwin wickedly mocked me, asking me how my beliefs were working out for my social life. What an evil and irresponsible thing to say. God will hold him accountable for those wicked words (Matthew 12:36). Pastor Joe Hanson sinfully degraded Pastor Jack Hyles, calling him “a cult” for exposing Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort as heretics (the father's of all modern corrupt Bible translations). New senior pastor at Harvest since 2018, Gary Walton has sinfully completely ignored me. How many times do I have to go to their pastors and beg like a dog to attend church? Harvest has BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS. All of them! They are proud and couldn't care less about truth, God, the Bible or hurting people like me. 1st Corinthians 16:24, “My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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